The guidance and counseling program at ÄÛ²ÝÊÓƵ complements the instructional program and is geared towards fulfilling the academic, psychosocial or personal needs of students. This unit of the OSA adopts the centralized set-up but a counselor is assigned and holds office in each of the University?s academic unit. The GTD Head who holds office at the Guidance Center coordinates and supervises all activities.



Considered the heart of the guidance program, individual and group counseling sessions are conducted to assist individuals arrive at self-understanding, make informed decisions and achieve wholesome adjustment.


Administered to either individuals or groups, psychological tests allow objective and realistic view of individuals. The following types of standardized instruments are available:

  1. General Intelligence or Scholastic Tests
  2. Aptitude Tests
  3. Personality Tests


Individual Inventory

Record of all pertinent information about students is kept in a cumulative folder. It is intended to enhance the understanding of individual students and improving the quality of decisions made by parents, teachers, counselors, and administrators.


Every type of information students need in evaluating their environmental opportunities are provided. Information may be occupational, educational, or personal-social in nature.

Research and Evaluation

Systematic evaluation of guidance activities are carried out and studies conducted. Results are made available in order to provide information needed to develop, improve and upgrade guidance services.

Special Programs


  1. Personality Enhancement Program (PEP)
    PEP is a unified college program designed for all freshmen. Various activities are conducted which help students adapt more easily to college life and their new environment. PEP also makes use of inter-circle activities that allow interaction among students from other circles/groups.
  2. Human Resource Training
    The Guidance Team offers HRTs in such areas as human relationship skills, values, leadership, career development, conflict resolution as well as various human intervention strategies, academic related training/seminars, enrichment training, and the like.
  3. Peer Outreach Program
    In order to harness the tendency of people to talk about private and/or personal concerns with peers and friends, corps of individuals who are willing to help their peers are organized and trained to equip them with competencies needed to effectively assist others.
  4. Job Basic Entry Skills Seminar (JBESS)
    Graduating students undergo a whole day activity and college-based follow up activities to learn competencies needed as they prepare for the world of work. Occupational opportunities are provided as well.
  5. Academic Probation Program
    Probationary students are followed up and assisted in identifying factors that cause poor academic performance. They are also helped to develop attitudes and skills needed to cope with academic requirements. Tutors or mentors are provided when needed.


Other Services


  1. Community Outreach
    Counselors establish linkages with government, non-government organizations and socio-civic clubs to render relevant services.
  2. Consultation and Referral
    Parents, faculty, staff and other professionals may confer with counselors on issues affecting mental health of students and other individuals. Counselors confer as well with other professionals to facilitate the assistance needed by students.